
프로프리젠터 최적화 방법 20가지 for 맥 - Propresenter Optimization 20 Method for Mac

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맥을 프로프리젠터 머신으로 사용하는데 최적화 하는 방법을 다루고 있습니다. 20가지의 최적화 방법을 통해서 예배 자막을 안정적으로 운영하는 것을 안내하고 있습니다. 조금은 오래된 과거 포스팅을 2023년에 새로운 코멘트와 함께 포스팅 하였습니다. 그 만큼 가장 기초적이며 안정성 중심으로 설명하고 있습니다. 만약에 프로프리젠터를 활용하여 예배 자막 혹은 비디오로를 송출하고 있다면 아래의 20가지 방법을 한번 꼭 체크해 보시길 바랍니다.

1. Use A Dedicated Computer 프로프로젠터 외에 다른 목적으로 맥을 사용하 지 마세요.

사실 변함없는 룰중 하나 입니다. 프로프리젠터용은 정말 프로프리젠터(자막기)로만 사용하셔야 합니다.
While this might be a no-brainer, it needs to be stated. Using a dedicated system is the best way to keep it running at its peak. If your daily computer or some multi-purpose production computer is also used for ProPresenter, the odds of issues happening go way up. Keeping a lean system is key to assuring everything runs smooth. It’s also easier to troubleshoot when things do go wrong.

2. Use A Solid State Hard Drive (SSD) OS 드라이브는 필히 SSD 를 사용하세요.

SSD 보급이 활발하게 이뤄질 때 쓰여진 글이지만 여전히 HDD로 운영체제를 돌리던 시절, 애플이 퓨전들아이브라고 하는 혁신??(사기) 적인 저장장치로 시가총액 1위를 향해 달리던 때의 이야기 입니다. HDD 를 찾아보기 힘든 요즘 뭐 이건 사실…의미가 없는 조건이긴 합니다.
The cost of SSDs has dropped enough for it to become a fairly cheap way to boost performance in a computer. Now, this is not an “SSDs are better than spinning drives” argument. I recommend finding whatever works reliably for you. If you have a spinning drive that works great for you, keep using it. However, I have had great success using SSDs for system drives, especially in older systems. If you don’t have budget for a new system but want a performance boost, try installing an SSD. I recommend the Samsung EVO Pro series of
drives or the OWC SSD drives from MacSales.

3. Use A Separate Hard Drive For Media/Content 라이브러리 미디어 백업 파일은 USB 3.0 이상 외장하드에 저장하세요.

앱이 저장된 공간과 미디어 백업파일을 분리하세요. 이를 통해서 읽기 퍼포먼스를 분리할 수 있다는 이야기 인데 요즘 맥 SSD 속도를 보면 이것도 무의미해 보이긴합니다. 구형 맥이라면 분리해서 나쁠건 없습니다.
Using a separate hard drive for all media/content can save you a ton of time and headaches if/when your system drive crashes. It will also save time when you need to do a clean install or re- install of the operating system. I used a 250GB SSD for the system drive (operating system only) and a high-performance 1 TB drive for content/media (videos, images, audio, ProPresenter library, backups of fonts and necessary system files). If you’re using a laptop for ProPresenter, a separate media/content drive is not necessary. You can run everything just fine off one drive, but having 2 drives makes system maintenance and upgrades more flexible.

4. Use A Solid Black Desktop Background 배경화면을 검정색 배경 으로 설정

국룰! 입니다. 그리고 바탕화면에 문서를 만들지 마세요. 실수로 바탕화면이 송출되더라고 그냥 블랙 화면이 송출되는게 나으니까요.
This way, if ProPresenter happens to crash the audience won’t see a pic of your family vacation or a galaxy on the screens.

5. Turn OFF Screen Savers 스크린 세이버 끄기

화려면 맥의 스크린세이버가 나타나지 않도록 합시다.
You don’t want the dictionary word of the day accidentally showing up an hour into an event or service.

6. Turn OFF Mission Control Settings 미션 컨트롤 끄기

마우스 제스쳐로 인해서 띄워진 창이 이러저리 움직여 자막 스크린이 어디론가 날아갈 수 있으니 조심하세요.
This includes hot keys and hot corners. This removes the chance of an operator accidentally bringing up Spaces or the Dashboard when running the software.

7. Turn OFF Notifications 알림 끄기

항시 방해금지모드를 해주세요.
This is just a way to eliminate distractions for operators. Notifications technically won’t hurt anything, but they could possibly get in the way of some button or slide.

8. Turn Display Off After NEVER 모니터 끄기 해제하기

You don’t want the monitor to shut off during anything important. You can always physically turn monitors off when you leave (this is a good habit to have).

9. Turn OFF “Put hard drives to sleep when possible” 하드디스크 잠자기 끄기

You don’t want your operator falling asleep, it’s the same for your hard drives.

10. Turn OFF Mouse Gestures 마우스 제그쳐 끄기

Not everyone uses the same gestures or mouse setup. Keep it simple by using only a standard left-click and right-click mouse setup. This means turning off multi-touch gestures and zooming. Also, I recommend the old school scroll down for down and scroll up for up.

11. Alert Volume OFF (0%) 알람 볼륨 끄기

It’s everyone’s luck that a duck quack alert will go off during a prayer or quiet moment. Disabling these alerts puts the odds in your favor.

12. Turn OFF “Play user interface sound effects” 효과음 끄기

This setting is key to avoiding any random sounds developed by your Mac. It also goes a long way to turn off “Play feedback when volume is changed” in your audio settings.

13. Turn OFF All System/Software Updates 시스템/소프트웨어 업그레이드 끄기

You want to control what is updated and when it is updated. The last thing you need right before a service or event is OS X to update and something in that update break your system or cause issues. If it’s working, you shouldn’t have to update that often or at all.

14. Turn Time Machine OFF 타이머신 끄기

If you need Time Machine, at least use a Time Machine scheduler to schedule around your event/service times. I used a scheduler to only allow backups between midnight and 6 AM. I also made a point to do manual backups of content and ProPresenter files every few months. This can be done by simply copying those files to an external hard drive.

15. System Volume At 100% 볼륨은 100%

This should always stay the same. This ensures audio to your console/mixer is always the same. This also removes any guesswork when you need to troubleshoot audio issues. I’ve also found this lessens noise in trouble consoles when outputting from the headphone jack of the computer.

16. Close All Applications When Leaving The Computer 컴퓨터를 종료할 때 모든 응용프로그램을 종료

When I was on staff at the church, there were a few guys (ahem, student ministers) that were notorious for leaving ProPresenter open after their events. On a number of occasions I would notice, sometimes days later, that
ProPresenter had locked up (as in frozen) because of this. One of my mantras was “leave it like you found it”. That meant closing all applications and restarting the computer when you were done. This way you were leaving the system ready for whoever came in next.

17. Be A Religious Restarter 재시작을 밥먹듯 하라.

I got made fun of when I was on staff at the church for always restarting computers. One thing I did with all production computers was leave them running 24/7 (running, never sleeping). This is not necessary but something I believe helps Macs run solid. Here’s the reason why I chose to leave them running. Restarting is an easy way to know the computer is running fresh before you begin. Since you may not know who was on the computer before you or what was done on it last, it’s always good to restart the computer before a rehearsal or event. Note: Be sure to deselect the “Reopen windows when logging back in” checkbox before restarting. If you’re on a laptop, I recommend shutting down after use and storage. It also wouldn’t hurt to leave the laptop plugged in and running overnight every few weeks.

18. Do Not Install Non-Essential Applications 마이크로 소프트 오피스 설치를 하지마세요

요즘은 호환성이 많이 좋아졌습니다. 과거엔 정말 최악이였죠.
This will hurt someone’s feelings, but I’m going to say it anyway. DO NOT INSTALL MICROSOFT OFFICE ON YOUR PROPRESENTER COMPUTER. In fact, don’t install any applications, preference panes or software that is not essential to running ProPresenter. If someone insists on sending you Microsoft Word .DOC files for notes or lyrics, either ask them to start sending PDFs or convert it on another computer. One of the great thing about Macs is that they can read most filetypes without running the necessary software.

19. Run ONLY ProPresenter During “Show Time” 프로프리젠터는 예배 시작전에 다시 실행하고 대기시에는 실행하지 마세요

요즘 실리콘 맥에서는 맥락을 조금은 달리 할 수도 있지만 맥은 붉은색 X 버튼을 눌러도 앱이 종료되는 것이 아닌 백그라운드에 여전히 실행되고 있습니다. 실행 된 시간이 누적됨에 따라 어떤 영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 이야기인 것 같은데 아무래도 시스템 메모리를 많이 먹는 프로프리젠터의 특성이 있으니 앱을 계속 실행하고 있는 것 자체로 이슈가 발생될 것을 조심하라는 맥락으로 이야기 한 것 같습니다.
요즘 실리콘 맥에서는 맥락을 조금은 달리 할 수도 있지만 맥은 붉은색 X 버튼을 눌러도 앱이 종료되는 것이 아닌 백그라운드에 여전히 실행되고 있습니다. 실행 된 시간이 누적됨에 따라 어떤 영향을 끼칠 수 있다는 이야기인 것 같은데 아무래도 시스템 메모리를 많이 먹는 프로프리젠터의 특성이 있으니 앱을 계속 실행하고 있는 것 자체로 이슈가 발생될 것을 조심하라는 맥락으로 이야기 한 것 같습니다.
A lot of people, especially those that don’t use Macs on a regular basis, tend to leave applications running on Mac and don’t realize they’re doing so. They think clicking the red X button in the top left of the app’s window quits the application, when in fact it just closes the window. They also may not understand what happens when an application is open or runs in the background. Make it a habit to close all apps on the computer before things get started. Better yet, make it a policy that no apps except ProPresenter can run on that computer at all times. This was more of an issue a few years ago when it was pushing even the sturdiest of systems to run ProPresenter. Now it’s not as big of a deal if you have a newer system, but it is still a good habit to practice.

20. Reinstall The OS Every 12–18 Months 1년에 한번씩 맥 OS 재설치 하세요

문제 발생시에만 재설치 하시되 최신 OS로 업그레이드는 하지 마세요. (마이너 업데이트만 하세요)
Even the best of systems need a refresh every year or so. Cache files, missing file links and corrupt files build up over time and can cause the system to slow down. I made it priority to reinstall a fresh (no Time Machine backups) installation of OS X every year or so. It may seem overkill or too much work, but if it saves one major crash it’s worth it.